for you, whoever you're

kawan kawan, aku utul ya? makasih asik aaaaaaah gue gtau nih kenapa, gue stress gara2 lo nih gara2 lo!! nyadar kek elah :( gue sekarang udh engga berani deh ngeliatin lo, astaga :( pdhl ... ngeliat lo itu yg bikin gue bs senyum, kalau gue engga liat lo? hahaha hari2 gue kosong parah hoy ganteng!!!! manasih jahat bngt sombong astaga, udh gkpernah nyapa lg, gue mau greet lo di msn tp takut hoy, gue engga berani!!! gue chat sm lo gue yg nyapa itu gue udh dagdigdug takut lo engga bls, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! God, please help me, i miss him so damnly much! and if i cant see his face, what would my day be? (ancur bener nad bhs inggris lo wo dasar gilcung) tintin!!! hoy, rasanya pengen gue tulis nama lo di sini, tp terlalu vulgar ah, gue engga mau :( tp gue geregetan sumpah, udh gue ketik, tp gue apus lg astaga astaga, tintin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


do u know how much i love you? i miss you? i want you? and i need you? and do you know that im always thinking about you, all the good things and sometimes the bad things huuuh, and do you know that i had many dreams about you? and do you know that i save your photos on my iPod? so when i hear a song that reminds me of you, i can see ur photos immediately. and do u know that i'm your secret admirer since i knew you, i knew you since november or december, oh i forgot. i know you more since ... since i add your msn, it's February 27th see? i still remember! then, you asked me many things, from my name till bout the organization oh god, i fell like i was in Heaven. you! youre the reason i can feel love, you're the reason my heart can't stop beating, you're the reason i'm smiling all the time, you're the reason i cry, you! you're everything!! you're my dream! you're everything i need after my friends, aaaaaaaaah IMISSYOUSOMUCH!! where r u now? why r u seems so faaaaaaaaaaar from me? eh? but i ask to my heart, my mind, will you care if you know that i like you? i love you? will you care if i sick? will you care if 'something bad' happens to me? gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i don't know!! mybe u're, mybe u're not. oh great, whatever the answers, i don't care! aaaah!!! when i chat with you ... is it only my dreams? if it still my dreams, then i dont want to wake up, i want you to still be my dreams.

do you know that i'm worried about you? when you're hurt, when your face looks sad? and i don't want something bad happens to you. when i saw your face 'like that' and i was laughing because my friends did something fool, you looked at me like there's something you want to tell, you want to share, but you don't know how. i try to be patient, try to know you more, but .. i can't, i can't go further than this, i'm afraid. i just can see you from distance, and i was just asking myself "what happened to you" "why is he sad" "why" "why" "why" too many questions for you, but i just can't ask you, so i choose to calm, sit, and still have fun with my friends, sorry, but i didn't mean to. i just didn't know what really should i do, so i just pray to God, wishing you well, and hope there's nothing 'bad' happens to you. whatever you will believe it or not, but i tell you the truth


Nadya Anindita