Ok, brace yourself. I know these might be a little scarey to some, but these were my beloved Barbie clothes growing up and I still love them.
Are your eyes bleeding yet? I don't know if you can still buy it, but these were sewn from patterns printed directly onto the fabric, with all the instructions printed on the waste fabric. Like this:
Isn't that cool? Clothkits does something like this for kids' clothing. I really like the concept, but part of me also feels like it takes some of the fun out of sewing; your dress will look like anyone else's dress when it's done, since everyone uses the same pattern and fabric.
But anyway, back to the doll clothes.
Did you take a good look at that faux patchwork fabric on the left? It just screams 1976 to me. Not to mention the "colonial" dress in the middle. Because everyone during the revolution walked around with illustrations of soldiers on their gowns, don't you know. So, so awesome.