barbie collector, mattel barbie dolls, barbie dolls, barbie toys, barbie accessories, barbies for sale, barbie happy family, barbie fashion, barbie cars, wonder woman barbie doll,
The Kentucky Derby Barbie Doll!
The Kentucky Derby Barbie Doll, or, "Barbie Kentucky Derby Doll", is a Gold Label Collection Barbie doll, and is a remake of the fashion featured on the original 1959 doll, celebrating Barbie doll's 50th Anniversary with a classic Kentucky Derby theme. From the Barbie Fashion Model Collection.
Barbie accessories from Christian Louboutin
This may look like a handbag for a very chic Barbie doll, but at $1,195 you won’t find this Loubinette pouch bag at Toys ‘R’ Us. It’s just in at Net-a-Porter.
The cutesy-cutesy look of this hot pink satin bag only makes it more covetable for the girlie girl. But what about Louboutin’s Passmule Zeppa wedges in hot pink? Keep reading.
These Passmule Zeppa wedges, $645, were all over the Kids’ Choice Awards red carpet in hues like orange and white (perhaps to match the orange carpet?) but these pink versions are the girliest incarnation yet in shiny patent leather.
Real High Fashion Barbie Jewelry from $185.00 to $15k
Dress Yourself Up Barbie! with "Real" High Fashion Barbie Jewelry. Gold, Silver, Diamonds, and Sapphires, Necklaces, Bracelets, Pendants, Rings, and Dog Tags! All REAL, All Barbie, and all 4Sale Right Now!
"Barbie™ Rocks" is a new Jewelry collection line by Layna and Alan Friedman of Beverly Hills featuring Pink Diamonds, precious and semi-precious colored stones and rare metals.
"The first collection is the Silhouette collection that shows the classic ponytail, long eyelashes and ski-jump nose profile. It features two necklace styles: the "Luxe" Barbie™ Pendant and Barbie™ DogTag, in 18K white, yellow or rose gold, with white or black diamonds or yellow or pink sapphires; and the "Classic," which is done in sterling silver. The Barbie bracelets are available in sterling silver with 18K rose gold charms. The jewelry collection is currently bing sold at the Alan Friedman boutique in Beverly Hills and online with pieces ranging from $185 to $15,000." -Deidre Woollard
And from the Barbie™ Rocks
Press Room-
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (March 2008) – Launching this month, the Barbie™ Rocks by Layna and Alan Friedman jewelry collection features a unique high-end jewelry line reflective of Barbie® doll’s ultimate glamour and style. The co-branded fine jewelry collection features pink diamonds, precious and semi-precious colored stones and rare metals that appeal to “girls” of all ages. As part of the partnership, both Mattel and Layna and Alan Friedman will donate a portion of the proceeds from each item in the Barbie™ Rocks by Layna and Alan Friedman collection to the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (CAAF).
The Barbie™ Rocks by Layna and Alan Friedman collection represents the epitome of Barbie® doll’s style, panache and distinctive flair. The first-ever high-end jewelry line includes two signature necklace styles: the “Luxe” Barbie™ Pendant and Barbie™ DogTag, both featuring 18Kt white, yellow or rose gold, with brilliant white diamonds, edgy black diamonds or beautiful yellow or pink sapphires; and the “Classic,” featuring the highest quality sterling silver.
Chunky, chain-style Barbie™ Love Toggle bracelets are available in sterling silver with 18Kt rose gold charms. Barbie™ Rocks by Layna and Alan Friedman has also created a number of jeweled charms for the bracelets, giving each collector the opportunity to show off her unique Barbie® style. The jewelry collection is available at department stores, specialty shops, jewelry stores and the Alan Friedman boutique in Beverly Hills, with pieces ranging from $185 to $15,000.
“Barbie has touched the hearts of girls and women for nearly five decades, inspiring imaginations, encouraging ‘girl power’ and being a continual symbol of style,” said Layna Friedman, creator of Barbie™ Rocks. “We infused Barbie doll’s sense of fun and fashion to all the pieces in this beautiful new collection and we know it will appeal to the Barbie fan in all of us.”
A word of Caution! It is the opinion of that this collection of Barbie Jewelry will Attract More Attention than the Hope Diamond, or even Britney Spears.
Wear it, Flaunt it, show your Barbie™ Rocks Collection to all your friends and behold the ENVY in their eyes. But for that very reason, KEEP it, in a VERY SAFE place! ...and I Don't mean, under your bed!
Envy Blinds the eyes! So much so that your friends, will not even know that they are stabbing you in the back, by stealing it. They will only know that they WANT it! And girls, we all know what we are willing to do when we Want something. So be Careful! ...and do not give your friends even the chance, to shame themselves.
Yes, that is just how Precious, and Dangerous, this new "Barbie™ Rocks" Jewelry collection really is. So Start Your Collection Today!
Vintage Barbie Clothes & Accessories 200+ lot
I started not to list this auction as the location of the items being sold are outside the United States. But then I noticed that there were 19 bids with 76 Watching this auction, so, I figured, with that much interest in these Vintage Barbie Clothes & Accessories, I should at least give our readers the chance to check it out for themselves.. "yourselves". ;)
Berbie Miss Venezuela 2010
Barbie Video Girl
Barbie Ulang Tahun ke-50
Nenden Novianti
VIVAnews – Wanita yang telah berumur 50 tahun berarti telah kenyang pengalaman hidup. Perubahan dalam karir, termasuk mengikuti pertarungan jadi presiden AS, dan menjadi topic dalam beberapa kasus hukum.
Diluar itu semua, wanita istimewa ini tak juga memiliki kerut di di kening dan juga tak selembar pun rambutnya memutih. Wanita ini memang bukan sembarang wanita, tapi boneka Barbie yang hari ini, 9 Maret 2009, tepat berulang tahun ke-50.
Pesta ulang tahun di berbagai belahan dunia pun digelar untuk memperingati separuh abad usia Barbie. Toko pertama yang didedikasikan untuk Barbie pun dibuka di Shanghai.
Barbie bukan hanya sekedar boneka untuk anak perempuan. Bertransformasi menjadi ikon budaya, Barbie juga menuai berbagai kritik dan kontroversi selama bertahun-tahun.
Barbie Millicent Roberts pertama kali diperkenalkan pada dunia tahun 1959 di New York Toy Fair. Dinamai Barbie dari Barbara, nama anak perempuan penciptanya, Ruth Handler.
Ruth Handler menyaksikan anaknya bermain dengan mainan bayi dan batita, tapi kemudian dia melihat adanya jurang besar di pasar Amerika bagi mainan yang merepresentasikan wanita muda.
Barbie versi pertama muncul dengan baju renang berwarna hitam putih, sandal berhak tinggi dan terlihat mencolok dengan alisnya yang tinggi. Meskipun Barbie saat ini lebih terkenal berambut pirang, tapi edisi pertamanya justru berambut cokelat. Dalam debut pertama, lebih dari 300 ribu Barbie terjual dengan harga USD 3, atau sekitar Rp. 36 ribu.
Dari edisi berbaju renang, Barbie berkembang dengan berbagai gaya fashion. Beberapa menjadi saingan para artis yang melenggang di karpet merah penghargaan Oscar dengan pakaian perancang terkenal.
Barbie juga telah menjelma dalam 100 karir berbeda, termasuk astronot, pelatih kebugaran, pramugari, duta Unicef dan pembalap Formula One. Bahkan Barbie pernah menjadi kandidat Presiden AS, sebagai kandidat wanita keturunan Afrika-Amerika pada pemilu Presiden tahun 2004.
Dengan popularitasnya, Barbie sudah menjadi sebuah merk, bukan sekedar boneka. Barbie pun kemudian memiliki portfolio properti dengan kepemilikan rumah impian, mobil mewah, dan kekasih bernama Ken.
Meskipun Barbie sering tampil dengan gaun pernikahan, tapi pasangan Barbie dan Ken tak pernah mengikat janji di depan pendeta, tahun 2004 diumumkan dalam keterangan resmi kepada media bahwa pasangan ini telah berpisah.
Produsen Barbie, Mattel, telah meraup miliaran USD dari penjualan Barbie. Kontroversi pun merebak, karena Barbie dianggap memberikan gambaran yang tak mungkin diraih bagi impian wanita muda.
Sosok Barbie dengan kaki jenjang sempurna, pinggul langsing dan payudara padat dianggap tak realistik dan merusak gambaran wanita dewasa modern. Sosok yang akan mendorong pengharapan akan bentuk tubuh sempurna seperti Barbie dalam benak para wanita muda.
Meskipun kritik merebak, Barbie tetap menjadi idola bagi wanita muda di seluruh Amerika dan dunia. Lebih dari satu miliar boneka telah terjual, menurut Mattel, dan 90 persen anak perempuan Amerika usia tiga hingga 10 tahun, memiliki setidaknya satu Barbie.
Barbie Termahal di Dunia
Boneka Barbie termahal di dunia dilelang di balai lelang Christie, London, Inggris dengan harga US$500.000 atau sekitar Rp4,5 miliar.
Bentuk boneka ini serupa layaknya Barbie yang lain. Barbie ini berambut pirang dan mengenakan gaun warna hitam. Tapi, yang membuat Barbie ini harganya selangit adalah kalung berlian asli yang dipakaikan di bagian leher boneka tersebut.
Kalung tersebut didesain oleh perancang perhiasan terkenal Stefano Canturi. Berlian yang terdapat dalam kalung tersebut berwarna pink dan harganya US$300,000 (sekitar Rp2,1 miliar). Harga tersebut ditetapkan oleh kolektor untuk setiap karat berlian berwarna.
Pelelangan baru akan dilakukan pada 20 Oktober mendatang di New York. Hasil penjualan pun akan disumbangkan pada Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Canturi yang karyanya juga sering dikenakan oleh Nicole Kidman dan Linda Evangelista, tahun lalu menerima pesanan perhiasan untuk perayaan ulang tahun ke-50 tahun boneka paling terkenal di dunia itu.
Barbie pertama kali dijual hanya seharga US$3 atau sekitar Rp9.000. Lalu pada 2004, Barbie berambut pirang yang dibuat pada 1959 ini terjual di eBay seharga US$3.552. Dua tahun kemudian, harganya menlonjak menjadi US $17000 dan dijual di balai Lelang Christie. Hingga sampai tahun ini harganya mencapai US $500.000.
Barbie termahal
Boneka Barbie Termahal
Yang bikin mahal:
- 160 butir permata dan perhiasan mini dari emas putih yang menghiasi boneka ini..
Barbie turns 50
Delphine Silkstone Barbie
Delphine Silkstone Barbie was the first dressed doll in the Barbie Fashion Model Collection. She was issued in 2000.
Delphine Barbie has blonde hair and pink lips. She is wearing a strapless blue taffeta gown with an asymmetrical back bow and draped train. The drape of the gown has pink flowers as accents (they match Barbie's pink lips). She also has a white faux fur stole that is lined in pink satin.
With the side draping strapless gown and white fur stole lined in pink satin, I always think that of this must have been inspired by Barbie's Vintage ensemble Enchanted Evening from 1960.
You may see some sellers advertising an "error box" Delphine. Actually they are ALL errors boxes - the word Genuine is misspelled as Geninue on all of the Delphine boxes. So the error is not "rare" and does not make it more valuable.
There was a Delphine Barbie Hallmark Christmas Ornament released in 2005.