Hello guys!! I miss you I miss you I miss youuuu! Who? Don't know, but I love saying I miss you ahaha. So, how r things? Hope everything's ok. Well, mine's not very-well. Don't know why... I'm messing up with my life, haha jk! I am doing really really great! Btw... There's this guy.. He's cool, cute, nice, a little sensitive and then he's smart, briliant, gorgeous(ok it's not that 'gorgeous), can't even describe him. Uhm, btw... I bought some dvds and yea I watched some of it, I watched ''Ramona and Beezus'' , ''16 Wishes'', ''The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants'' , '' The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants 2'' , ''27 Dresses'' , ''EasyA''. Well those films r great, ahaha. Ok enough enough. So, the school's going to start next Monday, haaaa see? The time's changing so fast, can't believe the holiday's almost over.. Like, wha? Ok ok I know I miss my school I miss my friends, but... Study? Uh, that sucks!! Aaaa but I have to do that, I wanna get good scores, I wanna pass the exams, I wanna graduated from junior high school with a really really great score, I wanna make my parents proud. Haha sound silly, eh? But it's true! Haha so enough for now, I know i'm kind of freak, but well.. This is who I am, if u don't like me for the way I am, just.. Go away and live ur own life haha ok enough e-n-o-u-g-h! Ahahha so see ya, and don't wanna be ya ahaha

Nadya Anindita
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