Happy New Year 2011!

Hello guys, watcha doin? Miss me already? Haha kiddiiing, so.. Today is January 1st 2011, 1.1.11 wha, great date ryt? So how was ur new year eve? Was it great? Well I spent the whole night with my fams (grandma, uncle, aunts, cousins) it was great, I slept at 2.30 A.M, we watched dvds, made chicken&lamb satay, hamburgers. But last night, there were no fireworks at my house, so ya we just gathered at my living room then talked bout everything.. Hey, Happy New Year 2011, hope every wishes we've made will come true, then hope everything's gonna be better, a lot of better than last 2010, amen! GodBless everyone!

Nadya Anindita
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

2010 Highlights

This is the last day in 2010.
And i want to take a little while to look back, what i've been through along this year, specially the special moments recorded by LLL. :)
Here comes the top 30 highlights:

Ups, first i just wanna list the top 20, but now become top 30. :p It's ok lah.. approximately 10% from total 292 posts in this 2010. :)
And this year, total posts of the months' record is won by July 2010, with 46 posts :P, replacing old record: November 2009 with 39 post. Congratulations to July 2010 and its moments. :D I bet there is something special happened in that month. :p

Bye-bye 2010. You'll always be part of my life journey. Thank you for this superb year!
2011, Let's having lots fun, inspiring, surprising, and meaningful times!

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Dania, Mia, Chi

Dania, Mia, and aku. Gamba ni telah diedit oleh dania. Dia mmg sgt rajin, dan baik. She's a good listener. I love her, mia pun mcm tu. Dia manja, dia selalu bg kata kata yg buatkan aku sentiasa nk senyum. Korang mmg baik! Bila aku susa, senang dorang selalu ada ngan aku. Aku bangga dapat kenal mereka. Thanks selalu ada ngan i masa i down. SAYANG sgt sgt dekat korang okay! Jaga diri baik baik. 


Ini budak kenit, rawang mari. Sama haluan ngan aku gk lah. Budak rawang mmg cmnie, haha! Act nk citer, dia jarang contact aku, tapi dia sgt caring. Syg nye kat dia ni. Tadi tiba tiba dia text, "Kau jangan lupa makan ubat weh. Rehat cukup, Minum air masak taw (:". Aku lak cm tersenyum sorg sorg, thanks bebeh! Iloveyou, tcare. .LOVE.


Hello guys!! I miss you I miss you I miss youuuu! Who? Don't know, but I love saying I miss you ahaha. So, how r things? Hope everything's ok. Well, mine's not very-well. Don't know why... I'm messing up with my life, haha jk! I am doing really really great! Btw... There's this guy.. He's cool, cute, nice, a little sensitive and then he's smart, briliant, gorgeous(ok it's not that 'gorgeous), can't even describe him. Uhm, btw... I bought some dvds and yea I watched some of it, I watched ''Ramona and Beezus'' , ''16 Wishes'', ''The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants'' , '' The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants 2'' , ''27 Dresses'' , ''EasyA''. Well those films r great, ahaha. Ok enough enough. So, the school's going to start next Monday, haaaa see? The time's changing so fast, can't believe the holiday's almost over.. Like, wha? Ok ok I know I miss my school I miss my friends, but... Study? Uh, that sucks!! Aaaa but I have to do that, I wanna get good scores, I wanna pass the exams, I wanna graduated from junior high school with a really really great score, I wanna make my parents proud. Haha sound silly, eh? But it's true! Haha so enough for now, I know i'm kind of freak, but well.. This is who I am, if u don't like me for the way I am, just.. Go away and live ur own life haha ok enough e-n-o-u-g-h! Ahahha so see ya, and don't wanna be ya ahaha

Nadya Anindita
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Kisah cinta chichips

Tk tahu mcm mana nk mulakan karangan panjang ni, tk bole ringkas, tk bole pendek sgt. Ahax! 360 patah perkataan bole? Ceh! Kosong kepala otak aku! I'll try my best :)

Kat sini aku nk open cerita pasal aku dan dia. Kau nk tau, baca! Tknak tau, kau bole berambus. Bak kata dia, angkat kaki blah! Haha, tanak dia cakap camtu lagi! Tasuka siaa! Okay lah mcm ni. Aku kenal dgn dia mcm apa yg aku cerita kat post bawah nie, title flashback tu ok. Dari 8hb dec sampai sekarang kami still couple, BUT! Dah dua kali break. Hm, nk buat mcm mana, adat lah becinta cintun gaduh skali sekala kan. Harus tu. Dia tersangatlah suweet, mcm gula gula. Dia tersangat baik mcm peri. Dia berjanji nak jaga aku sampai bila bila, dia kata kan yg dia syg aku sgt sgt. And dia kata, if kami suda tkdepape, dia still nk jaga aku. Tapi aku tknak sampai kami tkdepape tuh, TANAK ok! 

Dia seorang yg hot temper, dia akan marah kalau aku tipu dia, aku tk percaya dia. SWEAR aku berhati hati bila nk bercakap ngan dia, text dia, IM dia ke apa ke semua lah. Takut ada tersalah cakap, terlajak, terlebih, huhh ke longkang aku jadinya nanti. Mmg aku tk berani nk buat dia marah or tacink, tacink dia bukan main lg mengada ngada, kalah aku rasanye. Bukan main lama lg, agaknye nk suro aku pi tempat dia baru dia ok kot, hehh sadis! Kami jauh woo, jauh sgt sgt. Susa nk jumpa selalu. Nie yg ta tahan nie. Huwwaa!


Selama lebih kurang sebulan ni tk silap aku kenal dgn dia, aku tahu yg dia juga seorang yg senang bergaul dgn org org lain. Itu yg aku takutkan dari dulu smpai skarang, aku takut milik aku jatuh ke tangan org org lain tu. Sebab apa, tkde sape pun tahu lg pasal aku dan dia. Masih rahsia. Kehendak kesayangan aku tuh. Tk apa. Yg penting dia jujur dgn aku, dia tahu apa dia buat, dia ingat aku, cukuplah. Aku akan cuba untuk buang perasaan cepat merajuk nie, cepat fikir yg bukan bukan. Aku harus buang! Untuk kebaikkan aku dan dia. Aku resah kalau dia tk contact aku, aku nk contact dia dulu, tapi aku takut dia pulak rasa mcm "ish semak lah dia nie", tk pun "alahh, kau lg, nyampah lah". Haa, aku takut. Kalau text, ok lg kot, call tu yg mmg tersangat lah jarang utk aku buat. Aku tk berani nk kacau even pun dia hak aku ke apa ke, better aku jgn buat dari nanti kena ke apa ke kan. Kalau dia suro ke apa ke, OK mmg tade hal. Laju jelah aku call. Haih, knp mcm ni ye, pelik pelik.

Masa couple dh, aku dh nampak yg dia mula nk manje manje, gedik gedik ayam, mula gatal gatal (haha, dah sah la katakan)! Aku takesa pon, dia aku punya, apa ada hal. Sejak couple jugak lah, semakin byk cerita pasal dia yg aku tahu. Dari hal dia, kawan kawan dia, ex ex dia, family dia semua. Tk lah byk, tapi aku tau lah jugak kan (bangga ok)! Kau ade? Takde kan? Haa baik diam, tumbuh taik lalat kang. Ok then, dia ni suka menyanyi ohh. Ta sangka lak aku couple dgn penyanyi. Suara dia mmg best lah. Ayu je, cam pompuan (mmg pompuan la ngok)! Haha, serious sedap suara dia! Semua lagu kalau bole dia nk nyanyi kat aku. Aku pun apa lg, angau lah lepas dia dh habis nyanyi tu, walaweyy fall in love konon haha.

Sejak dia tahu yg aku ni SI PENCEMBURU, dia bgtahu aku pasal adik dan kaka kesayangan dia. Pasal kawan yg rapat dgn dia. Ok, aku faham dan aku terima seadanya. Dia kata, dgn org org yg dia listkan tu, tak bole jeles. Aku kata OK awak! Aku seorang wanita yg mendengar kata ok, terima kasih haha! Tetiba menggelabah! Eh eh! Tetiba teringat masa aku ngan dia belum couple, masa tu dia nk ngorat aku kot. Kot lah haha! Hati dia dh berbunga bunga aa tu, dia ajak scandal. Tapi dia kata, sy nk scandal sy yg ada 10 benda sy ckap ni. Antara yg aku ingat lah kan 1. suka cakap gelabah, 2. suka warna pink, sorry lagi 8 dah lupa! Tgah flu nie, kepala denyut denyut. Tapi buat jugak benda ni, aku nk bila dia bkak je blog aku, benda ni dh ada. SUPRISE! Yeahh! Ok balik kat citer tadi, semua yg dia cakap 10 benda tu, ciri ciri diri aku. Kira dia tgah propose aku lah tuh. Cewahh haha! 

Aku pun dgn bangganya terima sajalah si budak besa tu! Bukan suka suka terima, tapi sbb aku dh mula syg dia, aku suka dia. Yes aku suka dia ok! Bukan main main. Haisemenn, kenapalah kau curik hati aku? Tgok! Aku dah tade hati ohh. Jaga baik baik HATI saya tu, kalau jatuh nanti pecah, hmm fikirlah sendiri hee. 

Kami happy! Dia selalu luahkan apa dia rasa, dia selalu ckap iloveyou imissyou dkat aku. Dia akan bgtahu aku apa dia buat EVERYDAY, apa dia nak buat, mana dia pegi. Semua dia inform aku. Bahagia tak? Mestilah jack! Bahagia gila wooo! Masa gaduh the worst part yang paling aku tasuka! Dia akan suruh aku ANGKAT KAKI, BLAH CARIK ORG LAIN! Goshhh! Aku mcm dh tkde air liur nk telan dh, terkedu aku! Haish tasuka kalau ni jadi. Aku nak jauhkan dari semua nie terjadi! Bialah gaduh pasal benda lain, tapi bukan pasal aku ta percaya dia ke, aku tipu dia lg ke. Aku TAK MAU! Kesian kat dia, aku selalu buat dia sedih!


Haa nie best! Dia kan kan, dia suka cakap NOGORI dan perak kot, entah lah. Antara perak ke kedah tah. Aku rasa geli geli sial kat ketiak semua masa dia cakap "bughok beno ghupenye", haha serupa mcm nenek tua! Cehh tasuka haha. Dengan pekat bukan main dia sebut benda alah tuh. Fuhh, dasyat! Kalau cakap nogori tuh, aku takde hal lg, mama pun org minang, aku suka denga. Haha memang pak lawak tol la dia tuh! Tu yg buat aku tergelak sampaikan menangis. Bole buat lagu dah tajuk TANGISAN DALAM KETAWA, thankiuu haha!

Dia ada bg mesej "Chi, please don't leave me". Aku tknak cakap byk kali, sekali ni je kau denga eh syg! AKU TAKKAN TINGGAL KAU SELAGI KAU SENDIRI YG BUANG AKU". Sbb tu aku akan menangis bagai nak rak bila kau nk break bagai ngan aku. Aku takkan berjanji mcm ni kalau aku tk mengharap kat someone tuh. Aku mengharap sepenuhnya kat kau untuk jaga aku, untuk ada dengan aku masa susah senang aku, jatuhnya aku, semua lah wey senang citer. Aku nak kau sentiasa ngan aku. Aku mmg susa nk berkata kata manis ke, nk berayat manis, nk pujuk pun ta pandai, tapi dlm hati ni aku je tahu. Aku nk sgt buat kau senyum semula bila kau tgah sedih. Aku seorang cewek hingusan, abie. Kau lah yg kena tlg lapkan setiap hingusan aku yg kuar. Bole? Sama mcm kau always ngan aku lah tu. 

Dia selalu puji aku cantik masa tgah sekaip. Alahay malu malu kucing aku dibuatnya. Dia penah cakap "I'm in love with you, beautiful shiqah". Ahax! Manede bangga pun, takdelah. Cehh! Kembang kempis bughet aku ohhh. And tau apa tak! Dia penah sakat aku masa dia kat satu kedai tu. Dia cakap dia suka dtg kedai tu sbb ada girl muka mcm aku, SEBIJIK kata dia! Meradang lah aku kan, semata nk tgok girl tu. Mana boleh! Tgok aku sudah lah. Geram wokk! Pastu sat gi dia bole kata "B, sumpah aku suka sgt kau mara mara bila aku sakat kau camtu! Aku suka! Thanks syg aku". Haa mcm tu! Bole pulak kan dia! Aku ni tgah panas, cirit tol. Tapi takpe, dah lega haha! Dia kata, manede. Dia nk tgok aku je haha gelabah kan!

Paling aku bangga lah act kan, dia kata aku INSPIRASI dia! Kau ada? Takde! Haha. Dia kata "awak inspirasi sy, dh berapa hari dh sy blank je. Jumpa awk, trus mcm mcm idea, thanks syg". Auww! Sweet tak? And syg, fyi kan! Aku suka kalau kau kata Ineedyou! Paling aku suka, sbb bila mcm tu, aku rasa mcm kau mmg dgn aku je. Kau mmg ada aku je, kau fikir aku je masa kau tgah sedih ke susah ke, down ke apa semua. Aku suka sgt! 

Okay, cerita ni akan bersambung lg. Dah cukup semua ni selama 3minggu dah aku bersama dgn dia. Thanks spend time baca benda alah ni, ikhlas dari hati aku yg suci ni ok! :')



Background song : One in a million - Neyo

Awk ingat lg tk syg masa first kita kenal. Kelaka kan, kita IM kat fb. Pastu nk tuka no fon tk sempat, malam tu line buat hal. Tetiba awk call sy, mana tah awk dpt no sy. Sy terkedu gk masa awk call tu, laju je padahal kita baru je kenal. Lepas je malam tu, kita always contact. Awk buat sy happy, hari hari sy gelak ta ingat dunia, sy rasa mcm lupa semua masalah yg penah sy ada. Dalam hati (baiknya, kan best klu dia couple ngn aku). Angan angan je masa baru kenal, hee malu lak. Tapi wat biasa je. Kita text, malam je on call kan. 

Suara awk buat sy mula rindu dkat awak, mula rasa janggal bila ta bercakap dgn awk sehari. Sy dapat rasa, bila awk call, nama awk terpampang kat screen hp, hati sy pun bukan main dup dap dup dap na jawab awk call tu. Sy suka awk ke? Lepas beberapa hari, awk cakap awk suka sy apa semua, sy pun mcm tu. Awk cerita mcm mcm pasal awk kat sy, kita berborak mcm dh kenal lama lak kan. Best sgt sgt. Bahagia rasanya.


Awk ckap, awk nak sy. Awk nak sy, cuma tunggu satu hari nanti. Ok, sy takesa. Sy cuma tk mengharap sgt masa tu, tapi syg nye kat awk tu, fuhh mcm dah couple lak. Selang beberapa hari, awak mintak couple. Wah! Sweet sgt masa tu. Lepas dah sah jadi couple (haha), sy rasa mcm taknak lepaskan awk dah. Awk milik sy sampai bebila sbb nya awk sgt baik! Awk terlalu baik, sy suka awk! Everyday awk nyanyi untuk sy. Awak tanya sy lagu febret sy, kalau awk tatau, awk akan hafal sampai awk reti satu hari tu then malam awk akan nyanyi dekat sy. Wah suka gila! Terharu tauk! Suara awk sedap sgt!


Hari hari berlalu dengan keceriaan antara kita. Awk jaga hati sy, awk mengajar sy benda yg baik. Awk seorang yg matang, sy bertuah dpat awk. Kita bergaduh kerana salah faham dan kemudian kita akan berbaik. Terima kasih awk sbb lembut hati lg masa tu. Sampai lah sy mula rasa cemburu dengan girl yang selalu wall dengan awk dekat fb. Tapi sy simpan, sbb takut awk tasuka dgan cara sy. Tapi awk dapat tau, so syg cakap jela sy cemburu. Awk bgtahu yg dia cuma teman biasa, teman rapat. Ok, sy faham.

Lepas tu, cemburu sy makin kuat. Sy mula rasa tergugat dgn org disekeliling awk. Maafkan sy, sy sangat annoying! Saya seorang yg tidak jujur, 2kali sy dah tk jujur dengan awk. 1kali sy tk percaya dekat awk. Semua tu sbb perasaan sy dekat awk, sy harap sgt awk faham. 

Now, awk lepaskan sy dan awk ambil keputusan muktamad. Sakit sgt rasanya awk, sy tatau lah apa na jadi dah. Tongang tebalik da hidup ni rasanya, jiwa kacau, hati ta tenteram, perasaan dah tk tentu arah. 





Rindu nye, sayang nye! Betul cakap dia dulu, kita pun tatau apa jadi kat kita nanti. Jangan konfem sgt yg kita ta gado ke apa ke, hm. Yeh, tapi knp senang sgt awk buat mcm nie. Sy ta bole nk handle sesorg, sy rindu awk lah tau ta. Nak sekaip tgah hari bila da bgun tido, denga awk ckap ily, imy, semua lah. 

Aku tatau na kata mcm mana lg, hidup selalu ta menyebelahi aku. Ada je yg tk kena. Aku syg kau budak besa, hmm. Entah lah, tatau apa nk jadi tah lpas ni. 




Awak! Saya mintak maaf byk byk!

Semua yang aku sayang memang senang nak lepaskan aku. Aku tau, takde aku pun dorang bole hidup kod :'(
Tapi bukan untuk aku lah! :(
BUDAK BESA! Ilefffyuuuu syg!



AUWWW, ganas nyahh!

Kau kau kau

Emang aku bengang gila bila kau text aku cakap aku lupa jasa, masa baik kau tolong aku seribu tade hal skang da ta bek nak balas mesej pon susa. Hehh! Aku busy masa tuh aku dekat spital dan tengah makan Penah ta selama ni aku ta tlg kau? Jangan la keras hati sgt then terlalu senang na sakitkan hati org nanti kena balik cakap da berubah Mana? Aku kecik hati tau kau cakap macam tu, and lagi satu Abah bayar balik duit MAK! Kau cakap seolah olah aku buat harta je duit tu. Entah lah, aku tanak tau gado gado ngan kau ke apa, tapi masa kau senang dengan gf kau tu, ada tak kau text aku, tanya aku sehat ke tak, cakap nak membe tapi apa? Tup tup, kau carik aku masa susa je tu aku ta kesa sgt, kalau aku leh tlg aku tlg kan! Kau selalu fikir negatif hmm ta faham aku. Please lah, aku tanak fikir hal kecik macam nie sampai aku na menangis tau tak ape pun kalau na minta tlg, buat cara baik, faham sikit keadaan org. Sorry if what I said could hurt you :'(

Bila masanya

Hari hari berlalu dengan pantas. Aku masih terkapai kapai di awangan. Aku masih belum temui jalan penyelesaian untuk diri aku sendiri. Tetapi aku gembira dan senang hati kerana mempunyai seorang insan yang sangat mengambil berat tentang diriku yang tiada apa apa keistimewaan seperti orang lain. Selain mama dan abah, dialah yang memberi kebahagiaan pada diri ini yang mempunyai banyak kekurangan. 

Abah meminta untuk aku mengubah diri aku sendiri. Dia inginkan yang terbaik untuk aku, aku mulai sedar bahawa aku terlalu dimanjakan oleh abah Segala yang diinginkan selalu ada depan mata dan tidak pernah merasa seperti ingin berdikari. Aku perlu untuk berubah! Tahun 2011 yang akan datang ini, aku ingin berubah. Antara habit buruk aku :

  • Kuat tido sangat sangat sangat.
  • Kuat bercakap dan melalak.
  • Pemalas buat kerja rumah.
  • Melawan cakap mama.
  • Suka carik gado sesuka hati.
  • Kuat mencarut.
  • Mulut main lepas ta fikir org.
  • Mengutuk org kuat.
  • Ta pandai berdikari.
  • Suka mengarah org.
  • Kuat melenting kalau kena tego.
  • Terlalu manja.
  • Sensitif sangat.
  • Hati lembut + Hati kering
  • BOROS, yess sangat boros.

Coffee Shop

I love
staying at a coffee shop

sipping a cup of hot cocoa or coffee
sometimes the cold one, too..

being alone
craving some ideas

reading some books
doing some works

or just daydreaming

hanging around with someone i know
to know him/ her better

drown into deep discussion
sharing some experiences

I love the ambience
the wooden things

the mugs
the intimacy

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Happy Christmas 2010

I still remember what I've done and thought
on Christmas' Eve nite, last year
A couple wish
but one wish bolder than another, i'm sure
i still remember.

And now, one year has done.
that wish has come true
which turn me to another wish
right now. :)

Merry Christmas.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Dear Santa

 All i want for Christmas is
'to believe that you are 
this close,
this simple,
to hear what i want and 
provide what i need.'
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Twenty Twin

You know,
there's nothing about this twin numbers, actually.
twenty two. 22.

This year, 2010, is the officially year my age turn to 22.
What's so special of being 22?
most of all, the remarkable stuffs are about relationship's stuffs.
Family' stuffs. Friend's sttufs. Guy's stuffs.
Or let's say, person's stuffs.

After filling a life-graphic in one of my orientation class last month, i realize, my weakest moments in the past were always in the 'relationship with persons' area. In the other hand, the strongest part was about 'achievement' area. Yes, so that answers very much about my power yet weakness.

Once, i had mentioned, that this year, this age, was my 'people'-'person' year.
All those optimism, positive plan, faith, finally find its own lost way. Getting lost and lots of doubt, am i rite?

Yes, there are moments when i do feel dissapointed, sad, being totally lonely.
Think about the thought i dont wanna think about, "Why should end up like this? This is it? So, what's the point doing all of these if at the end, everybody just trying to think about theirselves.
"it's their free choice. human's right."
i know.

"it's ur free choice. u are taking ur human's right to do that even maybe they won't ask."
i know. i also know.

The basic thought of being sincere, being honest, are surrounded, collided with all the exactly real things now.
These kind of question, statement, even intimidation often runnin in my head.

"So Valen? See?? This is the real life. Now you regret? Feel useless? In the end, the only one you can bet is just yourself. The only one you can blame is just yourself. Don't wanna get hurt? Don't be involved in person's stuffs. Don't make any sacrification. Don't give if you won't take anything. Play the safety way. Be the safety one. Too much flying or effort to fly means, too much hurting while you fall."

All these new things suddenly attack me in a row. Come one by one, feels like never ending attack. New person i think i'm really good with, another new partners i think i've the same vision with, old persons, closest persons, many many many persons i thought as the closest persons in the world. One by one, met me in that room. Room filled with our junction of differences. Differences way of thinking, way to solve problems, way to handle relationship, way to see life, even way to understand each other. I know I'm not supposed to ask any person I'm good with to be totally same with me. I know that's the differences which will enrich me, the differences that makes us unique bla bla bla. totally understand. Time to make fault, time to say sorry, time to forgive and forget, time to go on, time to grow up, time to be mature, being mature is decision, i am the decision maker not the victim. i know, understand, and once again, know.
But, has it to be this sudden, at the almost exactly same time? Those things? These things?
I'm tired you know. I'm tired doing anything if at the end, it seems me, myself, and i alone who carry that responsibilities, or tidy the things i've done and fighted for another persons.
No, i don't expect that kind of achievement or appreciation or acceptance for others. I know my motivation.
But hey, i'm just tired if at the end, i just always to be that tired.

Maybe i change.
Maybe i have.
i don't know.

Last saturday, i attended Christmas celeberation at my hometown's church. Like our annualy tradition, at the end of this celebration we usually take a piece of paper, written random words from bible. I put the green one :), and get this words. The very very very very short and simple one.

"Bersukacitalah senantiasa." 1 Tesalonika 5: 16

and if we look further in the next verse, 
16 Rejoice always,  
17 pray continually,  
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Daddy, i know you are bringing me into some lessons. Maybe the newest one, the most updated one, i've never been through before. I'm glad you know the bestest thing i need, To grow up, to be better, to be my best. This may feels bad. Tears and tightness aren't my best friend. So do solitude.

So long, i get used to get along with people and good things in common. All thing seems perfect. I may not have hundreds of popular persons among my life. But i do appreciate their existence which really strengthen my life. I'm not afraid with conflicts and differences. I always think that we've had that kind of differences and still being us.

Being alone isn't my culture. I love being around people, maybe just my closest person. But things go ahead, i chose my new chapter of life. And this is it.

New things come. the uncomfortable one. the uncommon one. the hard one. the tricky one. the hurting one.

Daddy, it's not about the things i've been through until this second rite?
It's not about the good or the bad things rite?

it's about, how i deal with that, rite?
1. Rejoice always
2. Pray continually
3. Give thanks in any circumstances

for what?
for God's will for me, in Christ Jesus.

*I'll keep your words along the next 2011. I promise. :*)
With Love,
Valencia Leonata
in this twenty twin -some kind of moment in the middle of nite-

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.



Just Go Ahead

don't need to think that life is unfair
don't need to think that what u've done is useless
don't need to think that u've been the left one
don't need to think that everybody at the end just think about theirselves
don't need to think about that.

just ensure what's laid in my heart and head
why the heck i wanna do that
is it because of human?
achievement and appreciation?
if yes, forget about it.
they're unperfect. they have their own ego.

just go ahead.
don't need to expect anything from others.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

2 0 1 0

almost the end of 2010,
and it feels very fast.
So fast that i can't even realize i've been through lots of stuffs along this 2010.

lots of goodbye, lots of new 'hi'
un-expected goodbye
un-expected hi
un-expected feeling
graduation, study again
new city, new kind of life
new friends
another facts
another plans
another changes of plan

laugh, smile,
waving hands, giggling like elementaries,
falling like fools,
flying like i have that wings,
giving a wing, forcing myself to go
confused, restless and clueless
shed tears, trying hard to stay true
hurting like the broken-hearted one
adapting, adjusting
accepting the un-plan and the un-expected one,
having a faith.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Wallace and Gromit Animated Short Films

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Wallace and Gromit Animated Short MovieWallace and Gromit Animated Short Movie

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Danger Mouse Cartoon Gallery

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Danger Mouse Cartoon PictureDanger Mouse Cartoon Picture

Tweety Cartoon Character

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Pokémon Insect Collecting Cartoon

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Pokémon Anime TV SeriesPokémon Anime TV Series

Pokémon AdvancedPokémon Advanced


 never feels this hard, and horrible, and... hard... :(

Selama ini saya doyan banget nyatet lirik lagu, data2 observasi buat nulis, ide-ide bikin ini itu..
well except nyatet duit2an...
Bikin laporan neraca, laba rugi, dll dll..
Tapi karena sudah menjadi cita-cita saya mau mendirikan company sendiri, dan salah satu yang tentunya harus dipahami adalah urusan duit2annya, so... learn everything despite my likeness or non-likeness!
*yek inggris opo iki*!

Yess.. i am in the right place to study whatever things about business,
and this is the right thing to be learnt, too!

Go valen Go valen Go!
*in the middle of studying 10 chapter financial accounting!

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.