Home Alone

hey. wondering what's with the posting title, eh? am i gonna post about a movie review?
Hari ini, Senin, 7 November 2011. Gue, Nadya Anindita, ga sekolah dan harus tinggal/istirahat di rumah.
"Apa hubungannya lo sakit&ga sekolah dengan judul post ini?"

ya, jadi.......................................... gue istirahat di rumah. dan sekarang, di rumah ini hanya ada gue dan barang2 rumah. Mama&Papa pergi kerja, kakak gue sekolah, adek gue pergi bareng sodara & pembantu gue semua ke Ragunan. Pertama kalinya ditinggal sendiri di rumah. tapi beberapa menit lagi bakal ada orang dateng, ya macem asisten nyokap lah ya. Tapi.......

gue bosen. gabetah di rumah. mau ke sekolah. somebody please take me away from here, PLEASE.

Birthday Wishes

It's almost my Birthday.. and i want to share my Birthday wishes haha

1. Lomography La Sardina Cubic

I actually already have a Lomography camera called Diana F+ CMYK but i wanted a new one, wanted to experience&try another camera, different camera.

2. Diana+ Camera Bag - Fern Green

it's for my Diana F+ camera
3. Lomography CN 400 ASA

Film for the camera with ISO 400

4. Lomography CN 800 ASA

Film for the camera with ISO 800
5. Diana F+ CMYK keychain

a keychain with Diana F+ CMYK replica

6. Barbie

I want barbie dolls

7. Disney Storybook Collection

Want this so muchh, wanted to collect them all. i already have the Disney fairies Storybook Collection :)
8. The Adventures Of Tintin (comic book)

want this too, i wanted to collect all the series, the episode :) in love with tintin&snowy.

9. I wish my girls will come to my school to say Happy Birthday to me

I want them to be with me on my birthday. Filza, Sheby, Rizka, Winda, Shavira, Vania, Thalia

10. I wish he will say HappyBirthday to me:)

11. Steve Appleton's 1st&2nd albums &&All Muse's albums with posters&autograph&official merch :):) :)

12. Money $$$

13. New brushes, canvas, acrylic

14. I wish it'll be the best birthday in my life.

hm that's my Birthday wishes, i wish it'll be come true, or at least 2/3 of it. ;) hehehe

Nadya Anindita


hey! it's November already. Goodbye October, the worst month in this year so far..

November is actually my favorite month of the year, because my birthday is on November, and i don't know something usually happens in this month. well hopefully that "something" will be a great thing.

jadi November ya.. hm.. masih awal November. But fyi, i'll be celebrating my birthday in the middle of this month, November 14th to be exact.
Excited? yes, so excited.

I actually wanted to tell about what happened on October, but i can't remember the whole thing.

1st&2nd week
- My first ever mid-term test in Senior High. and i'm not too satisfied of what i've got. it's not really that bad but i want to be more.

3rd week
- pra-TO. seru. ngangenin. bikin seneng. tak terlupakan. sesuatu. cinta. PV. everything.
- TO. seru banget. unforgettable. masa-masa terindah. keluarga. kebersamaan. kerjasama. target. bareng PV, AD, kakak-kakak OSIS NG, kakak-kakak MPK SA, Guru, masyarakat desa Sumurugul

4th week
- masuk sekolah seperti biasa
- sakit

yaaa kurang lebih sprt itu :)

PV? PV apasih?
PV itu singkatan dari Prasgantara Vidrathama. itu nama angkatan SMA Labschool Jakarta yang akan lulus InsyaAllah tahun 2014, yaitu yang sekarang kelas 10/junior.

Kalau AD apa?
AD itu singkatan dari Adyavraja Daksavedhas. nama angkatan pertama SMA Labschool Cibubur yang juga akan lulus InsyaAllah tahun 2014, dan sekarang juga kelas 10.

OSIS NG itu apa?
NG adalah singkatan dari Nattsavika Gatravada, yaitu OSIS yang sekarang menjabat di SMA Labschool Jakarta untuk periode 2011/2012 yang beranggotakan kakak-kakak kelas 11&aksel (sekitar 30an orang) dan yang membimbing kami pada saat pra-TO dan TO.

MPK SA apa?
SA adalah singkatan dari Satriaseda Akrasandika, yaitu MPK yang menjabat di SMA Labschool Jakarta untuk periode 2011/2012 yang beranggotakan kakak-kakak kelas 11&aksel (14 orang) dan juga membimbing kami pada saat pra-TO dan TO.

hm cerita apa lagi yah?
there were so many complicated things since the Senior High year started. tryin to enjoy but I became overthink. hahaha. complicated things meant to be complicated, ryt? LOL :D

gatau mau cerita apalagi. segini dulu aja yah ;)

Nadya Anindita