Aine Barbie Doll Closeup Face Image
Aine Barbie Doll Closeup Face Image

Aine Barbie, Legends of Ireland collection
Aine Barbie Doll from the Legends of Ireland collection

Aine, Legends of Ireland
Aine, Legends of Ireland

Aine Barbie Doll, The Goddess of Love
Aine Barbie Doll, The Legends of Ireland Silver Label, Goddess of Love

Barbie Aine Pic
Aine Barbie Doll Picture
Aine Barbie Doll Picture

Barbie Fashion Fairytale

Barbie Fashion Fairytale WallpaperBarbie Fashion Fairytale Wallpaper
Barbie Fashion Fairytale CartoonBarbie Fashion Fairytale Cartoon
Barbie Fashion Fairytale Barbie Fashion Fairytale


what we're doing...

HELLOOOOO GUYSSSSSS!! so, what's up? miss me? well i miss you more than u can imagine:p:p sorry, i've been busy with all "exam" stuffs.. but it's all over now... so... now, i really wanted to tell you, bout my journey on last Monday...

gue-rizka-sheby-vania berencana berjalan2 *hah apasih* ya.. ngumpul disklh... rencana awal jam........... 1 tp entah mengapa rizka&sheby ngaret parah.......... kita brngkt jam 1 lebih sekian.... langsung cabut ke Monumen Nasional yg biasa disebut Monas...
nih foto monas...

TARAAAAAAAA!!! yeay that's Monas.. it's located in Central Jakarta................... ya kami pergi ke sana naik mobilnya Sheby.... well i brought my new camera:p:p Lomo Diana F+ CMYK :p:p my mom bought it for me when she went to somewhere there...:p really looooooooooooooooove it! ahahaha.. ok btw, it was the first time for Sheby to went there.. ok.. so jadi nyampe di sana, dr tempat parkir ke tmpt msk.. kami jalan............ trs... ada bule.. trs... sheby naksir.... ok, it's so randoooommm! ahahaha.. ok jd masuk monas... masuk... i wonder why there was only few people went there? i mean.. apa org2 ga bangga pny Monas? maksudnya... itu salah satu peninggalan sejarah... di sana pun ada diorama dllnya kan... yg menceritakan tntng Indonesia.. haha ok enough dgn basa basinya..

gue dkk pas msk monas foto2 dulu di apasih itu ya gt ada patung2 gitchuuuuww.. lalu kita masuk, tmptnya diorama gt.. mau keliling2 tp udh males akhrnya lgsg ke atas... nyampe atas.. wow, such a beautiful view.. gue prnh ke sana, tp wkt kecil.. and hey it was so high:o ahaha lalu ada mcm announcement tntng apa itu namanya pkknya mau dibuka, isinya naskah asli Proklamasi... so we immediately went downstairs... but... wkt nunggu elevator... errrgh, there was a bunch of guy who was really annoying!!! errrghh.. lalu pas masuk elevator mereka tuh... ih kesallll deh ngeselin bngttttt... dan akhirnya pun sampai di bwh, tp hrs turun tangga lagi untk ke ruangan itu.. so we go downstairs and bought drinks and go upstairs to the room. lalu pas di sana udh kan tuh blablabla mau foto didpn itu malah ditutup... errgghh..

btw there was a guy who was really2 cool.. dia dr sklh mana gt gatau itu kmrn senin dia macem kunjungan museum gitchuw.. ahaha ok, jd pas udh selesai kita turun dan keluar dr monas... lalu kita naik macem kereta2an *apasih* ya kendaraan untk wisatawan yg dtg... trs nunggu.. di tmpt kami tuh ada macem org mana gatau, they spoke indonesian and... chinese, i guess. lalu nyampe tempat parkir kami lgsg naik ke mobil nya sheby... lalu... langsung cao ke 7eleven menteng..

nyampe di sana kami beli makanan dan makan di mana hayo tebaaakkk??!!! *sok misterius* yak! di seberang... di Taman Menteng... and it was the first time for Sheby to went there, too... such a poor little girl :p she lives in Jakarta but never go to Monas or even Taman Menteng.. haha sorry sheby:) dan yaudh kami makan dibwh pohon apa itu taktauuu... lalu stlh selesai makan, kami foto,. di kamera tinggl 2 film, yaudh absin deh ehehehe trsss imami dijempuuuttt, trs gue rizka sheby nunggu supirnya sheby... supirnya rizka udh dtg.. tp rizka nungguin gue dn sheby.. trs ada org... ganteng.. lewat.. beli minum.. bawa bola basket.. gue ngeliatin.. si sheby dr tmpt dia brng tmn2nya sampe dia beli minum.. diliatin cb... AHAHAHA.. so yaudh supirnya sheby dtg... gue sheby msk mobil dn lgsg went back to school..

gue pulang naik taxi dr sekolah.. and i loved that day, such a wonderful day with my girls, thankyou guys soooo muccchh!!! I Love You<3<3 kapan2 lg ya kita keliling Jakarta, ok?

so enough for now... i'll post the pics as soon as possible.. soalnya roll filmnya blm aku cuci... ehehe.. bytheway... Vania Rizka Winda Rizka Filza Shavira Thalia and I are about going to Ancol tomorrow, we're going to Dufan baby!! YEAH!! ahahaha.. ok.. ta ta for now! see yaaa

Nadya Anindita