Today = F.U.N!

hello everyone! ok i wanna tell u bout today...

hari ini... hari minggu -_- tanggal 31 Oktober 2010 -_- hari ini, Labschool pny event namanya 1Labs. yak jd dari Labschool Jakarta&Labschool Kebayoran ikut acara ini. lalu................... itu seru bngt!!! awalnya gue daftar wkt itu funwalk, tp gue td ngikutnya funbike soalnya gue udh bs naik sepeda ;p dan gue ninggalin sheby bertiga brng anggita&nadia. sabar ya sheb, hidup ini penuh dengam cobaan :")

ok. jadi hr ini gue nyampe gedung BPPT nya telat krn ban sepedanya bocor, jd hrs di tambal dulu, nyari susah akhrnya ktmu deket megaria. trs ya gt astaga today was really-really fun! can't describe in words.... btw, something's made me shock! hm. i don't even believe what i saw. i don't believe it and i think i can't believe it. ohmygod! OHMY OHMY!!! i know it wasn't true, it was just my imagination. but my friend said it wasn't ohmygod... this thing... kenapa hrs skrg kenapa ga dr dulu? ohmyGod!

astaga astaga astaga. when i knew it, i thought my heart was going to explode, and i got something like stomachache, and i got dizzy.... my heart, my stomach, my head was in pain... dn gue ngerasa lemes td.. astaga. gatau knp... knp hrs keinget lg.. yaAllah.. serem, dia serem, serem banget, gmn nih....?!?!?!! yaAllah. td taunya dr tmn................... aduhaduh gue td udh pusing bngt kyk nging nging nging muter2 gt. rasanya td mau pingsan *gagitujuga tp beneran* aaaaaaa parah bngt T___T mau nangis ga deng omayGod still can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if u know this thing, i bet u won't believe it too. hm that's what i feel right now. and if it's true, in one side i'm happy but in the other side don't know why but i feel sad. btw, thanks for it yap .....!!!! HAHAHAHA i really appreciate it. but... kalau tmn gue yg ga deket sm gue dan deket sm .... ngeliat.. pst ketauan ohmy... astaga astaga.

OHYA! td kan acaranya itu dr gedung BPPT sampe ratu plaza trs balik lg ke BPPT, cm gue muter duluan gasampe daerah ratu plaza sono abs agak males. trs gtdeh seru. lalu pkknya... astaga ada yg manis gt cowok AHAHAHAHA~_~ trs gue winda vania rizka shavira icha muter2 sndr, ke bunderan HI. trs icha hrs pulang. gue vania winda rizka shavira pergi ke monas trs ya muterin monas sekali dn vania hrs pulang, alhasil gue winda rizka shavira lgsg pergi dr monas ke 7Eleven yg di depan GI. trs abs itu, kami pergi ke rumah Winda, naik sepeda. how cute :3 tauga itu capek? iya tp seru!!! itu jauh tp gakerasa! HAHAHAHA trs sampe skrg gue msh ngerasa gue ngendarain sepeda, gue duduk di sepeda itu dan kaki gue kyk msh ngegayuh sepedanya, trs kerasa jg, gue kan br bs naik sepeda, jd masih yg ngeliak ngeliuk, jdnya kanan kiri gt kerasa, banget! trs kerasa jg angin2 yg pas td naik sepeda. btw td panas bngt, gue dijemur di bwh matahari, alhasil muka gue jd meraaaaaaaah bngt trs tangan gue belang, yg bagian lengan bawah wrnanya jd kyk merah gt wkwkwk cacat, tp mngkin ya gr2 itu(?)

BTW! td gue pergi ke Gading bersama Winda Rizka Shavira dan Sheby. di sana awal rencana mau nntn, tp karna ngaret jdnya engga nntn. di sana cm makan, trs pas di foodcourt filza join tp cm sampe dia selesai makan. trs stlh itu kita dong foto studio dan itu rusuh bangeeeeeeeet! lalu abs dr situ gue dn kawan2 ke La Piazza untk ke apash itu yg mcm rumh hantunya itulocccchhhhhhhhhh...... trs ya gt. shavira td jatoh atian gara2 org yg dibelakang kami rusuh banget njir gue kesel bngt td.-___- trs td ada org ganteng.....-_-' lalu kami (without sheby) pulang ke rumahnya winda. rizka nympe rmh winda lgsg make taxi yg sama untuk pulang ke rmhnya. gue mnt winda pesen taxi, shavira msh nunggu dijmpt. gue td nyoba ngelipat sepeda gue, bisa, tp ya gtdeh awalnya bingung2 tp Alhamdulillah bisa. anyway.... hasil foto yg foto studio belum diambil..... pdhl itu.....keren! walaupun gue keliatan bngt gndtnya wkwkw tp gapapa abs seru yow yow gue cutie yowyow

udhdehya it;s kinda enough for this post, so se ya on the next poossssttt

Nadya Anindita

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hi guys, how r ya doin? how was ur day? mine was......great....and horrible! ohmy :( don't know why i feel lost now... and fyeah i lost my ....... because of me, myself, and everything i've said&done. fck i hate my self!!! really-really wanna die. rite now!!!! aaaaaaaah i always wish i could die as soon as possible. but i know it can't be happen.

why did i say i had a great day?
because...... there's something that i can't tell ya;p ok. just a short story. so... i had a crush on this guy... he... he... he's nice, cool, funny, and he's kinda freak uh-oh i'm sorry but it's true ;p mega named him "bronis" do u know what it mean? it means.... "bro..... manis" freak crazy idiot weird. ok, it describes mega, not him. just kidding mega, iloveyou:*:* ok back to the topic. today was fun. it was great. and it's kinda interesting. but some things were boring too. me&my friends, ***** went to the canteen. and we talked to someone, many things. we talked too much and i just can't control myself (okay it wasn't the true story) and know what? my heart can't stop beating, and it was getting harder. and feels like my heart was going to explode HAHAHAHA but it was fucking true... ohmyGod!!! HAHAHAHA

ok enough for the good things.. and now the bad things that happened today.... eventhou it wasn't that bad at all...

why did i say it was horrible?
first, i had a science(physics) test for the first&second class
second, i felt something different with 'em. i felt there was something that they hide from me... don't know what it is and i seem not to care
third, i feel lost. lost. lost. lost. and know what? i lost 'em. they really think i'm not exist now. good
fourth, i felt something's missing
fifth, can't tell the full story

ok, just wanna tell u this, i miss you guys. i'm sorry if i had soooo many mistakes. no one's perfect,eh? so i wanna apologize to u. plse frgve me, ok? btw.... GAH! don't know what to say. so maybe this is enough for today...

Nadya Anindita

Miss my Blog!!

Hello guys, what's up? watcha doin? well, i miss my blog so mucccchh!!! uh >..<>..< ohmy ohmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i miss him too... hahahaha enough for now mybe? ahaha bye:)