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MYMP - Especially For You Lyrics
Especially for you
I wanna let you know what i was going through
All the time we were a part i thought of you
You were in my heart
My love never change
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you i was feeling that way too
And if dreams were wings you know
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that I'm next to you
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I've gotta say It's all because of you
And now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Especially for you
I wanna tell you you mean all the world to me
How i'm certain that our love was meant to be
You changed my life
You showed me the way
And now that i'm next to you
I've waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
And i wanna bring out all the love inside you
Oh and
Now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
You were in my heart my love never change
And now that i'm next to you
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I've gotta say it's all because of you
And now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
I wanna let you know what i was going through
All the time we were a part i thought of you
You were in my heart
My love never change
I still feel the same
Especially for you
I wanna tell you i was feeling that way too
And if dreams were wings you know
I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that I'm next to you
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I've gotta say It's all because of you
And now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
Especially for you
I wanna tell you you mean all the world to me
How i'm certain that our love was meant to be
You changed my life
You showed me the way
And now that i'm next to you
I've waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
And i wanna bring out all the love inside you
Oh and
Now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
You were in my heart my love never change
And now that i'm next to you
No more dreaming about tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I've gotta say it's all because of you
And now we're back together together
I wanna show you
My heart is oh so true
And all the love i have is
Especially for you
7 Eindrucksvoll
oya , gua belum cerita ya tentang kelas gua , yaitu .. * jreng jreng ....
7 Eindrucksvoll !!
hahaha :) yap , 7e . itulah kelas gua sekarang . sumpah ya , anaknya seru seru ! tapi sayangnya ... huh -__- . anaknya baik baik loh !! hoho .. keren keren lagi . yang pasti
huah .. haha :) iya , keren banget . walaupun ada beberapa anak yg nyebelin .. tapi kita 1 keluarga ! hoho :) pokoknya seru deh di 7e ini . haha .
nih daftar nama anak anak sesuai absen :
1. Achmad Rizaldy - Rizal
2. Adhie Irham - Adhie
3. Agita Kartika Sari - Gita
4. Ahmad Gemilang - Egi
5. Aisha Chiara P - Kyra
6. Alandra Dianti Putri - Alandra
7. Annisa Ghaisani - Annisa
8. Arawinda Phalita Kanya - Winda
9. Ardio Rihansjah - Dio
10. Arya Bagus Pratama - Bagus
11. Astari Ulfa Utami - Tami
12. Bella Shabrina Zulkarnaen - Bella
13. Caesaria Rizky Danida - Sesa
14. Danu Izra Mahendra - Danu
15. Della Mega Shafira - Della
16. Desty Retno Nuringtyas - Tyas
17. Devara Clarissa Pieter - Vara
18. Dinda Dinisa - Dinda JJ
19. Faris Arief - Faris
20. Firinka Amalia - Firinka
21. Fizanti Causia - Oci
22. Hadi Muhammad - Hadi
23. Ilham Hadi Ismoyo - Ilham
24. Kemal Fariz Ramadhani - Kemal
25. M. Hutomo R. - Tom
26. Mahardika Rizky - Dika
27. Muhammad Nurlazuardi Ajipawengan - Aji
28. Nadya Anindita - Nadya
29. Naufal Caesarianda - Naufal
30. Nur Allya Farhah Latuconsina - Ayya
31. Puti Fauzi Imani - Puti
32. Rahanandra Hadyan Anshari Andra
33. Raihani Destari Putri - Hani
34. Restananda Nabilla Yusac - Echa
35. Reza Ahmad Zubaidi - Tedja
36. Vinna Dyah Perwitasari - Vinna
hahaha .. dan , inilah penguruh kelas . [ hanya beberapa ]
Ketua kelas : Egi
Wakil ketua kelas : Bella
Sekretaris : Echa
Bendahara : Rizal
Seksi mading : Ayya , Kyra , Dinda , Devara
Seksi kebersihan : Naufal , Della
Seksi Keamanan : Aji , ..
Rohis : Tyas , Ardio
ga tau lagi deh tuh gua . haha .
di kelas ini banyak kejadian menarik * bagu gua . pokoknya seruuu banget ! oya , yang pasti , kalau ulangan , gua , egi , dkk , melakukan KSPS yaitu adalah Kerja Sama Para Siswa . haha . sering banget ketauan :( tapi kita ga nyerah gt aja dong . haha . ya bgt lah .
oya , wali kelas kita itu adalah : Bpk . Dedi
haha , baik loh orangnya ! hehe :)
eh , udah dulu ya , gua udah ngantuk nih men :O .
haha , bye . love you all !
7 Eindrucksvoll !!
hahaha :) yap , 7e . itulah kelas gua sekarang . sumpah ya , anaknya seru seru ! tapi sayangnya ... huh -__- . anaknya baik baik loh !! hoho .. keren keren lagi . yang pasti
huah .. haha :) iya , keren banget . walaupun ada beberapa anak yg nyebelin .. tapi kita 1 keluarga ! hoho :) pokoknya seru deh di 7e ini . haha .
nih daftar nama anak anak sesuai absen :
1. Achmad Rizaldy - Rizal
2. Adhie Irham - Adhie
3. Agita Kartika Sari - Gita
4. Ahmad Gemilang - Egi
5. Aisha Chiara P - Kyra
6. Alandra Dianti Putri - Alandra
7. Annisa Ghaisani - Annisa
8. Arawinda Phalita Kanya - Winda
9. Ardio Rihansjah - Dio
10. Arya Bagus Pratama - Bagus
11. Astari Ulfa Utami - Tami
12. Bella Shabrina Zulkarnaen - Bella
13. Caesaria Rizky Danida - Sesa
14. Danu Izra Mahendra - Danu
15. Della Mega Shafira - Della
16. Desty Retno Nuringtyas - Tyas
17. Devara Clarissa Pieter - Vara
18. Dinda Dinisa - Dinda JJ
19. Faris Arief - Faris
20. Firinka Amalia - Firinka
21. Fizanti Causia - Oci
22. Hadi Muhammad - Hadi
23. Ilham Hadi Ismoyo - Ilham
24. Kemal Fariz Ramadhani - Kemal
25. M. Hutomo R. - Tom
26. Mahardika Rizky - Dika
27. Muhammad Nurlazuardi Ajipawengan - Aji
28. Nadya Anindita - Nadya
29. Naufal Caesarianda - Naufal
30. Nur Allya Farhah Latuconsina - Ayya
31. Puti Fauzi Imani - Puti
32. Rahanandra Hadyan Anshari Andra
33. Raihani Destari Putri - Hani
34. Restananda Nabilla Yusac - Echa
35. Reza Ahmad Zubaidi - Tedja
36. Vinna Dyah Perwitasari - Vinna
hahaha .. dan , inilah penguruh kelas . [ hanya beberapa ]
Ketua kelas : Egi
Wakil ketua kelas : Bella
Sekretaris : Echa
Bendahara : Rizal
Seksi mading : Ayya , Kyra , Dinda , Devara
Seksi kebersihan : Naufal , Della
Seksi Keamanan : Aji , ..
Rohis : Tyas , Ardio
ga tau lagi deh tuh gua . haha .
di kelas ini banyak kejadian menarik * bagu gua . pokoknya seruuu banget ! oya , yang pasti , kalau ulangan , gua , egi , dkk , melakukan KSPS yaitu adalah Kerja Sama Para Siswa . haha . sering banget ketauan :( tapi kita ga nyerah gt aja dong . haha . ya bgt lah .
oya , wali kelas kita itu adalah : Bpk . Dedi
haha , baik loh orangnya ! hehe :)
eh , udah dulu ya , gua udah ngantuk nih men :O .
haha , bye . love you all !
Hari hari gue di SMP
Tanggal 14 Juli 2008 tepatnya hari Sabtu, gue MOS di Labschool Rawamangun, skola baru gue. Hehe (ah agak telat nih postingnya. haha)
Trus, sampe skola gue dikasih pengarahan gitu. Gue disuruh bikin name tag, susaaaah bgd, trus ntar hari senin rambut gue disuruh diiket" gitu (biasa lah, MOS).
Hari Senin sampe Kamis, gue MOS di skola. Yaaa seruu siih. Terus temen di kelas gue juga asyik asyik semua walaupun anak cowonya alay alay gitu dehh :D
Nah, ga berasa sekarang uda minggu ke 4 di Labschool. Banyak bgd kejadian yang gue sama temen temen gue alamin. Mulai dari NIDJIholic, trus SUGENGholic juga hehe.. Tau ga, Sugeng th apa? Penjual Milo! Ga penting abis tau gk, tapi ya gitu deeh, karna anak anak kelas gue kocak kocak ya jadi so what? (alah bahasanya, Nad Nad)
Pokoknya inti dari semua ini adalah : ANAK GROUP 1 SERU, GOKIL !!
Hahaha piss :)
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